From National Archives UK
That is another thing that hurts me, is that there were young women - I can still remember - who were abducted from their houses and taken away by these rascals, raped and some of them were returned, some of them probably killed or something. Nobody knew what happened to these girls.
I know this sort of thing happened on both sides of the border. I still can't believe how women - their own women (of) people who were doing it, seeing this happening could keep quiet. Nobody was raising a voice against this because whatever else you do, you can't go down and degrade yourself to that level. You have women in your own family…why didn't they speak up at the time? Why didn't they protest? Why didn't they stop their men doing this sort of thing?
But I have seen that. I know those women. I have also seen those women who returned and they committed suicide.
I think this was the lowest position that a human being can go… and we are all - not me because I was too young at that time - but my elders and the elders from Sikh and Hindu communities, what we did, we must feel ashamed.